
Seed Training,シードトレーニング,pilates,hip joint,股関節,lower back,腰,背中,姿勢,ママ,イクメン,骨盤

Pilates : Hip mobility exercise for back care (movies)

As well as the previous article Pilates : Activating inner core for safety back (with movie)” , let me introduce a couple more pilates-based exercises for back care.

In the previous article, I emphasized keep pulling the belly in to activate inner core muscles (a.k.a TA muscles) for releasing back tension.

Today, I’d like to introduce using hip joints more consciously while keeping the torso in stable, neutral position.

First of all, please check the movie.

Knee Lift


  1. Legs are opened hip distance width, pelvis and spine neutral. Place hands on lower back (check the reason in the previous article).
  2. While keeping the stable upper body posture, exhale and lift one leg up (flex both hip and knee joints to 90°).
  3. Inhale, slowly drop lifted leg onto the mat while keeping the stable upper body.
  4. Lift the opposite side and continue 2. & 3. alternatively.

As explained in the movie, keep activating TA to prevent lower back from rounding and swaying.

Leg Swing(Front & Back)


  1.  Place one foot on yoga block*, hip distance width, pelvis and spine neutral. Place hands on lower back.
  2. While keeping upper body in the stable position (keep the back as soft as possible), inhale twice shortly to swing floating leg forward twice.
  3. Exhale to swing the same leg backward.
  4. Continue 2. & 3. for 8-10 reps, then switch the side.

*Not only yoga blocks, anything which has some height and stability is fine (such as the small step, telephone book).

As well as knee lift, keep pulling the belly in to prevent lower back from wavering. Also, it’s not so much necessary to move big. Rather, trying to move hips while keeping the soft back is more important.


If you attempted these exercises, you may recognized that it’s possible to make a beautiful posture and motion while keeping your back soft. That’s the effect of activating TA (pulling the belly in).

If you’re already practicing pilates, you can try by yourself. If you have never done before, I strongly recommend to learn from pro- pilates instructors in your neighbors.

If Seed Training were your neighbor (lessons at your place also available in these areas), please feel free to contact.

Strongly hope the healthy and happy life of young moms & dads, also grandmas & grandpas caring their grandchildren.

Thank you.


Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,ピラティス,インナーマッスル,体幹,腰痛,ママ,イクメン,骨盤

Pilates : Activating inner core for safety back (with movie)

Recently when I was driving back home from the lesson, I saw a young, slim mom holding her little baby walking down the street.

My “pilates instructor eyes” didn’t miss her spine swaying back, and even weaving front and back as she stepped her feet.

Some of my clients are pregnant, some are young mothers who have little babies, so the young mom I saw on that day made me feel I have to do something for my clients to prevent such a dangerous postural habits before suffering from chronic injuries like lower back pain.

Hereby introduces some easy core stability exercises for back care.

Here are guidelines of each exercises in the movie.

Leg Drop


  1. Lying on back, set your pelvis neutral (align both top front and back bony points vertical against the mat), lifting up legs and bend knees and hips to 90°. Place hands on the lower back.*
  2. While keep pulling your belly in, exhale and drop one leg onto the mat. Try to keep your lower back at the stable position throughout the exercise without tightening or jamming hands.
  3. Inhale while keep pulling the belly in, return the dropped leg to the starting position.
  4. Exhale, attempt the same routine in the opposite leg. Continue both sides alternatively.

Ab Prep


  1. Lying on back, pelvis and spine neutral. Legs are opened hip distance width, knees bent. Again, place hands on lower back.*
  2. While keep pulling your belly in, exhale and lift head, shoulders and scapulae. While lifting up, keep your ab flat and lower back at the same stable position without tightening or jamming hands. Inhale and pause at the top.
  3. As inhaling, lower upper body from scapulae to the head.
  4. Continue 1.~3. for 5-10 reps.

 Shoulder Bridge Prep(Lower & Lift)


  1.  Pelvis and spine position are same as Ab Prep. However, legs are placed a little closer to the pelvis. Hands are either rested at the side of the body or at your lower back if you want to check the back tension.
  2. While keep pulling your belly in, exhale and lift pelvis and spine. Use hamstrings and glute muscles to support hips, without swaying lower back.
  3. Inhale, flex only hip joints to lower the pelvis a little. Try not to round your back.
  4. Exhale to return the pelvis to 2. position.
  5. Continue 3.4. for 3~5 reps. After that, coming back to 4. position, then exhale to drop back and pelvis completely on the mat.
  6. Take a little interval, then head to the next set.

*The reason why you place hands on lower back

Although original pilates exercises don’t place hands on lower back, as you do so, you can check your back tension much clearly.

If you feel tensed, or hands are jammed, adjust pelvis and back position or angles until the lower back gets soft.

If you’re already practicing pilates, you can try by yourself. If you have never done before, I strongly recommend to learn from pro- pilates instructors in your neighbors.

If Seed Training were your neighbor (lessons at your place also available in these areas), please feel free to contact.

Thank you.



Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,Amagasaki,Osaka,yoga,pilates,

Sprouting after 1 year

One day, I found a strange sprout in my veg. gaerden.

I couldn’t recognize what it was, but after 1 week, I finally recognized what it was.

It was a sprout of bitter gourd which I planted seeds in the last season.

This bitter gourd sprouted after 1 year of interval.

Most seeds sprout within a week or so, and some seeds sprout like this.

But nothing happens unless all of those seeds planted in the soil.

We yoga & pilates practitioners are similar to this Mr. bitter gourd.

Some of us may be able to bear the fruit of practice very soon. Some people, on the other hand, may feel the difficulties to release the muscular tensions in Yin yoga, to keep the balance in inversion asanas of Hatha yoga, or precise postural control of Pilates.

But, even if you feel difficulties, never give up.

Even if you couldn’t do practice very well, by practicing, we are still planting the seed.

Just like Mr. bitter gourd, planted seeds are sure to be sprouted someday in the future.

If you buy lottery regularly, it’s totally the same thing.

You’ll never win unless you purchase it!

Are you wondering if yoga and pilates really can change your body & mind?

Nothing changes unless you just do it!


Seed Training is pleased to offer free consultation & trial for private / semi-private yoga / pilates lessons. 

If you are living in Hyogo / Osaka and interested in yoga, pilates, and thai traditional massage, please check following links as well.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Grow “Seer” in ourselves

Regardless of yoga or pilates, I often use one quotation from yogic philosophy to guide my clients.

It is to grow “seer” in ourselves.

Sometimes, this “seer” is called “Purusha” in yogic philosophy (especially Samkhya philosophy).

Anyway, in classes, I tell my clients

to take distance from their body and mind,

then observe,



and even thoughts, emotions, and senses,

mindfully and straightly.

In general, “Being objective” may be more popular. But I personally think growing “seer” in ourselves is more intensive in clearing our sight and measuring the best distance.

If you’re practicing pilates, the effect comes out sooner if the “seer” in yourself sees your breathing, posture, and the motion precisely.

If you’re practicing yoga for stress relief, for example, you’ll experience deeper relaxation if the “seer” in yourself sees your thoughts and emotions mindfully.

If such class style seems yours, please feel free to contact from the following links.


If you are living in Hyogo / Osaka and interested in yoga, pilates, and thai traditional massage, please check following links as well.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)


Seed Training シードトレーニング ヨガ 陰ヨガ ピラティス Yoga Yin Yoga 初心者 イベント 体験 尼崎 兵庫 大阪 西宮 伊丹 宝塚 呼吸法 瞑想 メディテーション




Here is Seed Training’s schedule of May, 2014.

休業日: Closing day

  • 5/3(Sat)
  • 5/9(Fri)
  • 5/10 (sat) 9:30~17:00



体験ワークショップ開催日: Workshops

ピラティス体験 (Pilates Intro workshop)

  • 5/17(Sat)PM1:00~2:30
  • 5/24(Sat)PM1:00~2:30


Yin Yoga & Meditation Class


  • 5/4(Sun)20:00~21:00
  • 5/11(Sun)20:00~21:00
  • 5/18 (Sun) 20:00~21:00
  • 5/25 (Sun) 20:00~21:00


Thank you.


お申込み/お問合せ : Contact


Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.


*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

(メールフォームでのお問合せ : Mail format)


(レッスン中、移動中は電話に出られないこともございます。ご伝言をいただければ折り返しお電話させていただきます。I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

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