
Seed Training シードトレーニング ヨガ 陰ヨガ ピラティス Yoga Yin Yoga 初心者 イベント 体験 尼崎 兵庫 大阪






Thank you for your patience during the studio renovation. Finally,

Studio renovation is completed!!!

So, please let me introduce Seed Training’s schedule of August, 2015.

休業日: Closing day

  • 8/2(Sun)13:00〜



オープンハウス開催日: Open House

  • 8/22(Sat)〜8/23(Sun)


Seed Training is hosting “Open House” on Aug. 22 & 23. Event detail will be coming soon.



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Thank you.


お申込み/お問合せ : Contact


Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.


*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

(メールフォームでのお問合せ : Mail format)


(レッスン中、移動中は電話に出られないこともございます。ご伝言をいただければ折り返しお電話させていただきます。I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,シードトレーニング,Amagasaki,尼崎,兵庫,Osaka,大阪,Yoga,ヨガ,Zen,禅,Mindfulness,マインドフルネス

Koya-san Kechien-Kanjyo report

Koya-san is 1200 year-old Shingon Buddhism capital founded by Kukai. I went there, and took part in a ritual called “結縁灌頂(Kechien-Kanjyo)“, which was very interesting and impressive for yogis.

I’d like to report what that ritual was like, and what I felt from it.

Origin and overview of the ritual

Originally, Kechien-Kanjyo is the Tantric Buddhism ritual to bear the connection between practitioners and Buddha.

In the ritual, we first entered the small hall while chanting “南無大師遍照金剛(Nam Daishi Henjyo Kongo)”, which is Kukai’s mantra.  In the hall, the higher ranked priest  asked us to follow Buddhism commandments, and also lectured the mantra and mudra that we need to practice in the next hall.

After that, we were guided to the large hall where we do “投華得仏(To-ke Toku-butsu)” and “灌頂(Kanjyo)”. The hall was dark, lit by only candle lights. The ritual was taken generally in the following manner.

  1. With a group of five people, participants are guided to Mandala by monks.
  2. While participants are guided, they are put blindfold. Until we get to Mandala, the group walks in line while keeping mudra and keep chanting Samanta bhadra’s mantra “Om samayas tvam”
  3. At Mandala, with putting the blindfold on, drop the holly leave in the hand. The participant bears the connection with the Buddha where his/her dropped leave is.
  4. After that, participants are poured “wisdom water” by higher ranked priest above their head(This is called “Kanjyo”)

Kechien-Kanjyo is the miniature of our life

From here is the personal impression of yoga and Zen practitioner against this ritual.

Wondering in the darkness with blindfold, is just as same as our daily lives itself. We get in trouble, we get lost so often in our life.

Monks were the guide in that darkness. They drew our hands, and chanted mantra to lead us to Mandala. Their roll as the guide in the ritual are totally same as the daily life.

However, participants kept together even in the darkness with mudra and mantra, and get to Mandala in the end.

“Om samayas tvam” is the mantra of Samanta bhadra, the symbol of seeking the truth and enlightenment in Tantric Buddhism.

Making Samanta bhadra’s mudra and chanting his mantra with the group to get to Mandala seemed symbolizing the function of Sangha, the Buddhism community where seekers of enlightenment get together.

For me, as a whole, this ritual seemed just like a miniature of the life of the people who seek their inner peace and freedom, and also the wisdom and will power to contribute to all beings’ happiness and freedom even in the darkness.

Come to think of it, I’d like to appreciate Koya-san to accept zen practitioner and yogi like me to take part in such a valuable ritual.

Also, the roll of monks in this ritual (guiding the lost and suffering people) are similar to us yoga / pilates instructor, and massage therapist.

So, I’d like to return this learning to my yoga / pilates lessons.



If you are living in Hyogo / Osaka and interested in yoga, pilates, and thai traditional massage, please check following links as well.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,シードトレーニング,ヨガ,ピラティス,禅,ナチュラル,マインドフル,ライフスタイル,尼崎,大阪,

Two suggestions for more mindful yoga & pilates exercise

As they are known as “mindful movement” or “mindful exercises“, both yoga and Pilates exercise require us to be conscious about our body.

Pay attention to the breath, alignment, posture, tensions, etc…

The more you are experienced, the more you know about focus points on each asana or exercises.

Today, I’d like to introduce two steps to use those focus points in more beneficial way.

1. Finish reviewing before you move

When you are practicing, aren’t you trying to correct all the focus points while you are moving?

But, in spite of your effort, your body doesn’t move the way as you wish. Haven’t you had such experiences?

In such cases, finish reviewing all those focus points before you start moving. Once you start moving, forget about them.

2. Concentrate on “present” moment and motion

This can be somewhat the same idea as “be present” in yoga or zen.

As I suggested above, when you start moving, forget about all the focus points. Then, concentrate on your “present” action, and pick up just a few points you really need “now”.

Don’t think like “what to do in the next?”. Meanwhile, if they are really necessary, remember everything and try to do them all.

Use the correct knowledge in more proper way

Things you learn from your teacher maybe correct knowledge and advice.

So, only you should consider is “how to use them in more proper way”.

Not only brushing up your physical yoga and Pilates exercise, thinking about using the correct knowledge “in more proper way” can be a very good mental and spiritual practice of yoga.


If you are living in Hyogo / Osaka and interested in yoga, pilates, and thai traditional massage, please check following links as well.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,シードトレーニング,ヨガ,禅,メディテーション,瞑想,ライフスタイル,尼崎,大阪,出張レッスン,個人レッスン,yoga,zen,meditation,amagasaki,osaka,

Washing away “Self” with yoga practice

When I went Zen meditation meeting the other day, I heard an interesting story on “Self” from the master.

According to him, he makes time to wash his “Self” away, at least once a day.

In this text, “Self” means the self as the oldest son, the self who had certain experiences in his/her youth, or the self who is called certain nickname, etc…

By washing such “Self” away, the master tries to take a proper distance from the past self, and the self seen or thought by others.

Not only in Zen, yoga philosophy also has the idea similar to this”Self”. This is called Ahamkara.

My master washes off his “Self” by Zazen, reading sutras, and taking bath. These are quite similar to yogic practice.

By concentrating on Asana and meditation, or practicing Niyamas such as Shaucha (purity) and Īśvarapraṇidhāna (Contemplation to the holy beings), yogis can wash away negative aspects of Ahamkara, the self.

It often happens that “my decision” is actually decided by just a habitual power, or something or someone other than me, such as our past history or experience, and common sense.

Besides, overdriven “Self” turns out to be “Ego”, and suffers you from negative emotions such as anger and despair.

To be free and happy from those habitual power and future sufferings, washing off “Self” seems very important.

If your troubles are caused by “Self” as I introduced here, why don’t you try to wash that “Self” off by concentrating on asana and meditation, or think about practicing yoga philosophy in your daily lives?


Not only improving your physical condition, Seed Training will also do the best to support improving your mental condition through yoga, pilates. and Thai traditional massage.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)

Seed Training,yoga,pilates,amagasaki,osaka,hyogo,ヨガ,ピラティス,個人レッスン,出張レッスン,陰ヨガ,

3 Suggestions to keep your motivation for yoga & pilates

Whether it’s yoga or pilates, I ask all the clients to bring what they learnt in my lessons to home and keep practicing as much as possible.

However, it seems not so easy…I often hear “I can’t maintain my motivation when I’m home.” or “Are there any good ideas to keep practicing at home?”

I can’t tell the “best” idea because reasons why people can’t maintain motivation or ideas to keep their motivation maybe different from one person to the other. But I still can suggest some ideas to keep your yoga / pilates motivation at your home.

There are 3 suggestions,

  1. Don’t be a perfectionist
  2. Keep distracting things away from you
  3. Enjoy the sense of relaxing & healing

<No.1:Don’t be a perfectionist>

You don’t necessarily have to do totally the same things (exercise menu, duration, etc…) as you learned in the lesson.

Pick up only what you felt necessary or interesting, that’s fine.

I used to write the article『脱「完璧主義」のススメ』(sorry, only in Japanese) As I wrote there, perfectionism can be mental pressure, and keep you away from yoga / pilates at home.

Both menu and duration don’t have to be the same as what you do in lessons, just try what you can do.

<No.2:Keep distracting things away from you>

Is your reason why you can’t keep practicing yoga / pilates related to the environment? Aren’t there anything that distract your motivation in your room?

TV, computer, magazine, snacks, maybe smart phone, too.

I have experienced the same thing before, so I understand very well.

In my case, I tried to keep turning off TV and other electronic devices except when I really need them, and kept the room clean putting snacks and other temptations away from my eyesight.

Being grateful for having quiet time and clean room were unexpected reward of my self yoga / pilates practice at home.

<No.3:Enjoy the sense of relaxing & healing>

Are you thinking exercise is something tough, or hard?

Sometimes, we may need to make such efforts to improve the current physical condition. But, that’s not everything.

Haven’t you ever had a sense of releasing and relaxing after yoga class, or lightness and sharpness after pilates class…?

You do yoga or pilates at your place to enjoy such relaxation and healing. It’s not a torture at all. Try persuade yourself in such a way.

If your reason is due to mental barriers against content, concentration, or toughness and hardness, these 3 suggestions might help.

If you have any other questions on maintaining your practice motivation at home, please feel free to ask in the lesson and workshop.


If you live nearby Amagasaki or Osaka-city and interested in learning yoga / pilates, please check following links. I’ll do my best to support so that you can bring yoga / pilates to your home and keep practicing by yourself.

Seed Training welcomes your questions and bookings on yoga, pilates, and Thai traditional massage through contact form and telephone.

*You can take an initial consultation & short trial of Private / semi-private lessons (YOGA / PILATES) for free!

Seed Training,reservation,yoga,pilates,thai traditional massage,amagasaki,hyogo,osaka


(I cannot get the phone when I’m having lessons, treatment, and moving. In such a case,please leave a message so that I can call you back later)