From JR-Amagasaki station
After going through the ticket gate, turn right and getting down to the south exit.
If you still don’t understand or got lost while you’re getting here, please feel free to call. I’ll come to rescue you!!!
TEL : 090-6756-5136
If you are to come from Hanshin Daimotsu station, please check this page.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/?q=660-0807+%E5%B0%BC%E5%B4%8E%E5%B8%82%E9%95%B7%E6%B4%B2%E8%A5%BF%E9%80%9A2-8-25&ie=UTF8&hnear=2-8-25+Nagasunishid%C5%8Dri,+Amagasaki-shi,+Hy%C5%8Dgo-ken,+Japan&t=m&source=embed&hq=&z=14&ll=34.725402,135.428249&output=embed&w=425&h=350]